Architecture Firm Leaders:
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Free, confidential, honest coaching from specialists in small & midsized architecture firm management.
Take advantage of our niche industry expertise.
CVG is a carefully curated team of specialists with backgrounds in design and business. We understand the nuance of running architecture firms with staff sizes under 20 people because we’ve been there, and this is our exclusive focus.
In fact, CVG Partner, Rena M. Klein, FAIA, authored The Architect’s Guide to Small Firm Management (Wiley, 2010). CVG team members have run architecture firms, consulted small firm architects (for decades), started entrepreneurial businesses, and worked in-house for architecture firms during periods of significant growth and downsizing. We understand design firm management from all angles — and we’re here to help.
“This conversation is beyond your typical 'consultation.' It was inspiring and extremely helpful. I'd recommend taking the time to talk with Todd and the CVG team, it's definitely worth it.”
- Audrey Bauer, Studio Maven
“Our firm would not be where we are today without the support of CVG.”
- Chris Johns, ThoughtCraft Architects
“When we came across CVG, we were truly surprised to find a consulting group that covered all of the items on our to-do list. It was all the more surprising that their sole focus was small architecture firms like ours, with many architecturally trained people in their group. It seemed almost too good to be true. It felt like we found a unicorn.”
- Geoff Gibson, Winder Gibson Architects
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